Man Makes a Heartbreaking Discovery on His Morning Commute

When he woke up and got ready for another day in the office, the man in today’s story had no idea what he was about to encounter.

He got off the bus and was about to walk one more block to his office when he noticed a heart-wrenching sight in the nearby park.

mama cat protecting kitten
Credit: YouTube

He saw a sad and malnourished mama cat with a tiny kitten sitting beneath her. The man stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do.

However, the sad look on mama cat’s face decided for him. He approached the two and was shocked when the tiny kitten immediately approached him.

man holding cute kitten in hand
Credit: YouTube

He looked at them and quickly realized that mama cat used to be an indoor feline. She was probably abandoned and the harsh street life took a toll on her. 

While he was gently stroking mama cat, all of a sudden, five more kittens came out of their hiding spot. 

kittens walking through the grass
Credit: YouTube

The man was overwhelmed by their cuteness and gentle nature, and he made a promise to himself to come pick them up after work.

Unfortunately, just two hours later, heavy rain started pouring down. The man could only think about the kittens and their mama, hoping they would remain unharmed by the rain.

mama cat sitting with kittens outdoor
Credit: YouTube

The moment he finished work, he rushed to find the cat and her kittens. What he found broke his heart into pieces… 

As she tried to find shelter for her kittens, the poor mama cat lost four of them along the way. He found her shivering on a sidewalk next to the park, with two kittens snuggled next to her.

kitten in a mud with wires
Credit: YouTube

The man called his brother to come and help him out. While his brother made sure mama cat and the two kittens were safe, the man rushed to find the rest of her litter. 

While she was carrying her babies to a safe and dry place, two of them fell into a hole in the street. 

kittens coming out from tube
Credit: YouTube

They were desperately crying for help, so he scooped them up and rushed them over to his brother.

Two kittens were still missing and he was afraid they would get sick if he didn’t find them soon.

veterinarian checking kittens
Credit: YouTube

It took him more than 20 minutes to locate them, and it was a good thing he never gave up on his search.

Inside a drain pipe, the two kittens were completely drenched. They probably tried to find shelter but ended up in the worst possible situation. 

He quickly gathered them up and rushed them to the emergency vet. Luckily, the feline family was healthy. 

mama cat with kittens
Credit: YouTube

The vet advised him to warm them up as soon as possible so they don’t get sick. He decided to take them to his home, as he knew shelters were overcrowded.

After a quick and warm bath, they were squeaky clean and absolutely adorable. The man made them a special and cozy place in his home, where they will wait for a forever home!

I’m so grateful this kind-hearted man went back to save mama cat and her adorable family! Thanks to him, this adorable family received a second chance at life!

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