Piglet, the cat with the world’s cutest little pig snout

Okay, before you proceed…we have to warn you this kitty is extremely cute. So, get ready to melt into a puddle as you read on   This is Piglet…the Super Cat. This little girl has a cleft upper lip, which make her little nose look like a tiny snout. Piglet was a rescued cat. Her orphaned […]

Rescuers Discovered a Kitten Through a Fence, and the Kitty Was Not Alone

In May, rescuers from Alley Cat Rescue worked on a TNR (trap-neuter-return) project near the North Hollywood Metro station in Los Angeles. While they were there, they discovered a tiny kitten poking her head out through a hole in a wooden fence, but she was not alone. As it turned out, the kitten was with her siblings […]

Kitten with a “Wink” discovered in a box of Christmas ornaments and rescued by a man – her new father

Meet Yara the one-eyed wonder cat! Yara has a permanent “wink” as she was born with only one eye. She was found in a box of Christmas ornaments and lights and brought into the veterinarian’s office when she was just 4-6 weeks old. “The people that brought her in didn’t want to take her back […]

A woman shares her pregnancy journey with her pregnant cat

There is nσ dσubt that ρregnancy can be σne σf the tσughest things wσmen have tσ gσ thrσugh. If yσu see wσmen in cσmmercials and Internet videσs enjσying the whσle nine-mσnth jσurney withσut any struggle, then they are just ρrσbably trying tσ fσσl yσu. While it may indeed be a wσndrσus thing fσr sσme ρeσρle […]

A heartbreaking scene The cat refuses to abandon a dead friend by dragging its lifeless body to safety

This is the heart-wrenching moment a stray cat dragged its dead companion on the street in north China. The white-and-yellow feline bit onto the scruff of the motionless cat and moved it along a pavement as onlookers filmed. The devoted moggie refused to leave its friend and took its body and hid under a car. However, […]

A recognizable bird with eye-catching bright orange plumage and a half-moon crest, Meet Guianan Cock-of-the-rock

Bright orange is always eye-catching. When it appears on a bird’s plumage, it surely makes the bird stand out from the crowd. The gorgeous coat is

Discover the Stunning Blue Plumage of the Magnificent Grandala Coelicolor Bird

There are some insanely beautiful birds out there. They come in crazy colors that make us, humans, confused about whether they are real or not.

This sweet cat can’t fall asleep unless he’s hugging his favorite human

A lot of us have our own night routines. They help send a signal to our brains to tell them know that it is time to start winding down. Sometimes there are certain things you have to do in order to have a good night’s sleep, whether that is setting up a white noise machine, […]

A photographer captured an image of Sophie, a fairy bird, on charcoal

Searching for some pics of a fairy bird? There are millions of species in the world that we do not know yet. Every day it even seems that some that were

The ability of the woodpecker to protect its head may aid engineers in developing safer automobiles

The woodpecker’s ability to protect its head may help engineers build safer cars